Mattar Paneer Recipes: A Delicious Journey to Indian Cuisine

mattar paneer, "Discover a variety of delicious mattar paneer recipes, a classic dish from Indian cuisine. From traditional to modern twists, these recipes will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Get ready to indulge in the flavors of India!" mattar paneer,

mattar paneer

mattar paneer


Mattar paneer is a well-known Indian dish that consolidates the integrity of green peas (mattar) and paneer (Indian curds). This veggie-lover delicacy is cherished by individuals of any age and is frequently presented with naan, roti, or rice. In this article, we will investigate the starting points of mattar paneer, give you three heavenly recipes, examine its medical advantages, share a few ways to consummate the dish, and answer habitually get clarification on pressing issues.

What is Mattar Paneer?

Mattar paneer is a customary North Indian dish that is made with green peas and paneer. The dish comprises a tasty tomato-based sauce that is implanted with sweet-smelling flavors. The mix of the rich paneer blocks and the sweet and somewhat crunchy green peas makes a wonderful surface and taste.

Beginning and Social Importance

Mattar paneer has its underlying foundations in the Indian territory of Punjab, known for its rich culinary legacy. It is accepted to have begun during the Mughal period and has since turned into a staple in Indian families and eateries around the world. The dish is much of the time ready during celebrations, weddings, and other exceptional events, representing warmth, love, and harmony.

Recipe 1: Exemplary Mattar Paneer

mattar paneer


• 1 cup paneer solid shapes

• 1 cup green peas

• 2 tablespoons oil

• 1 enormous onion, finely cleaved

• 2 tomatoes, pureed

• 2 teaspoons ginger-garlic glue

• 1 teaspoon cumin seeds

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

• 1 teaspoon red bean stew powder

• 1 teaspoon garam masala

• Salt to taste

• New coriander leaves for embellishing

Cooking Directions:

1. Heat oil in a dish and add cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.

2. Add finely hacked onions and sauté until brilliant brown.

3. Add ginger-garlic glue and cook briefly.

4. Add tomato puree, turmeric powder, red stew powder, and salt. Cook until the oil isolates from the masala.

5. Add green peas and cook for 5 minutes.

6. Add paneer 3D shapes and garam masala. Blend tenderly to cover the paneer with the masala.

7. Cover the dish and stew for 10 minutes.

8. Garnish with new coriander leaves and serve hot.

Recipe 2: Hot Mattar Paneer


• 1 cup paneer 3D squares

• 1 cup green peas

• 2 tablespoons oil

• 1 huge onion, finely slashed

• 2 tomatoes, pureed

• 2 teaspoons ginger-garlic glue

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Cooking Directions:

1. Heat oil in a dish and add cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.

2. Add finely slashed onions and sauté until brilliant brown.

3. Add ginger-garlic glue and cook briefly.

4. Add tomato puree, turmeric powder, red bean stew powder, and salt. Cook until the oil isolates from the masala.

5. Add green peas and cook for 5 minutes.

6. Add paneer blocks and garam masala. Blend delicately to cover the paneer with the masala.

7. Cover the container and stew for 10 minutes.

8. Garnish with new coriander leaves and serve hot.

Recipe 3: Rich Mattar Paneer

mattar paneer


• 1 cup paneer 3D shapes

• 1 cup green peas

• 2 tablespoons ghee (explained spread)

• 1 teaspoon cumin seeds

• 2 onions, finely hacked

• 2 tomatoes, pureed

• 1 tablespoon cashew glue

• 1 tablespoon of new cream

• 1 teaspoon ginger-garlic glue

• 1 teaspoon turmeric powder

• 1 teaspoon coriander powder

• 1 teaspoon garam masala

• Salt to taste

• New coriander leaves for decorating

Cooking Guidelines:

1. Heat ghee in a dish and add cumin seeds. Allow them to splutter.

2. Add finely cleaved onions and sauté until they turn clear.

3. Add ginger-garlic glue and cook briefly.

4. Add tomato puree, turmeric powder, coriander powder, and salt. Cook until the oil isolates from the masala.

5. Add cashew glue and blend well.

6. Add green peas and cook for 5 minutes.

7. Add paneer solid shapes, garam masala, and new cream. Blend delicately.

8. Cover the container and stew for 10 minutes.

9. Garnish with new coriander leaves and serve the rich mattar paneer hot.

Health Benefits

mattar paneer

Mattar paneer offers a few medical advantages because of its nutritious fixings.

High Protein Content: Paneer is a rich wellspring of protein, which is fundamental for muscle development, fix, and by and large turn of events. Green peas likewise add to the protein content, making this dish an extraordinary choice for vegans and those hoping to build their protein consumption.

Healthy benefit: Mattar paneer is loaded with fundamental supplements, for example, calcium, L-ascorbic acid, vitamin A, and iron. These supplements support bone well-being, help the resistant framework, and help in keeping up with sound skin.

Reasonable for Vegans: Being a veggie lover dish, mattar paneer gives a significant protein source to people following a veggie lover or plant-based diet. A healthy choice fulfills the taste buds while meeting wholesome prerequisites.


To consummate your mattar paneer dish, think about the accompanying tips:

Culminating the Dish:

• Guarantee that the paneer 3D squares are firm and not excessively delicate to keep up with their shape during cooking.

• Sautéing the onions until brilliant earthy colored adds a rich flavor to the sauce.

• Change the zest levels as per your inclination. You can increment or abate how much red stew powder and garam masala.

Fixing Replacements:

mattar paneer

• In the event that you don't have paneer accessible, you can substitute it with tofu for a vegetarian variant of the dish.

• Explore different avenues regarding various vegetables like chime peppers or mushrooms to change it up and surface.


All in all, mattar paneer is a magnificent Indian dish that consolidates the kinds of green peas and paneer in a rich, fragrant sauce. With its starting points in Punjab and its social importance in Indian cooking, this dish has turned into a cherished #1 for both unique events and ordinary dinners. Whether you favor the exemplary form, a hot bend, or a rich variety, mattar paneer offers a wonderful and nutritious feasting experience.

The high protein content, dietary benefit, and reasonableness for vegans settle on mattar paneer as a solid decision. The protein from paneer and the fundamental supplements present in this dish add to muscle development, safe framework backing, and in general prosperity. It is an incredible expansion to a decent eating routine.

To consummate your mattar paneer, follow the tips referenced before, guaranteeing the paneer is firm, the onions are well-sautéed, and you change the flavor levels as you would prefer. You can likewise investigate fixing replacements and examination with various vegetables to make varieties of this exemplary dish.

Presently, we should resolve a few regularly posed inquiries about mattar paneer.


1. Might I at any point utilize frozen peas rather than new green peas?

Indeed, you can involve frozen peas as a helpful option in contrast to new green peas. Simply try to defrost them prior to cooking.

2. Might I at any point make mattar paneer ahead of time?

Indeed, you can get ready mattar paneer ahead of time and refrigerate it. Warm delicately on the burner or in the microwave prior to serving.

3. Might I at any point freeze mattar paneer?

While it is feasible to freeze mattar paneer, the surface of the paneer may change after defrosting. It is best delighted in new, yet in the event that you truly do freeze it, consume it in the span of a month for ideal taste.

4. Could I at any point make a vegetarian form of mattar paneer?

Indeed, you can make a vegetarian form of mattar paneer by subbing paneer with tofu and utilizing plant-based cream rather than dairy cream. Change the recipe to suit your dietary inclinations.

5. What are a few side dishes that pair well with mattar paneer?

Mattar paneer coordinates well with Indian bread like naan, roti, or paratha. It additionally supplements steamed rice or enhanced rice dishes like jeera rice or pulao.

In this way, that's it! Presently you can appreciate planning and relishing the heavenliness of mattar paneer in its different structures. Get imaginative in the kitchen, explore different avenues regarding flavors, and partake in this exemplary Indian dish with your friends and family.

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